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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Health Problems related to use of ICT

Users can suffer from health problems if they use ICT devices improperly or for long time. Some of them are:

  1. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
    RSI causes painful swelling of the fingers and wrist. People with bad RSI are not able to use their hands at all. RSI is caused by repetitive movements for long period. For example, using a mouse or keyboard repeatedly.
    Causes of RSI
  • Working in a cramped workspace.
  • Typing on a computer for long time.
  • Using a mouse for long time.
  • Holding the mouse incorrectly.
         How to prevent RSI

  • Give rest to your hands.
  • Use an ergonomic keyboard/mouse. 
  • Use comfortable workspace. .
  • Use a wrist rest.

  1. Back and Neck Problems
    Back ache and neck ache are very painful situations. Both are caused by sitting incorrectly or using improper chairs without back rests. All these are poor postures.

Causes of back and neck ache

  • Working in a cramped workspace.
  • Not sitting upright in chair.
  • Incorrect level of the computer screen.
        How to prevent back and neck ache

  • Take regular breaks to stretch your body.
  • Use adjustable chairs to adjust them according to your height.
  • Sit upright against the back rest.
  • Tilt the computer screen so it is set just below your eye level.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor.

  1. Eye Strain and Headaches
    Staring at a computer screen for too long can strain your eyes and cause headaches.
    Eye strain can cause your vision to blur. Common causes of eye strain are screen flicker and having direct light causing screen glare
    Causes of eye strain

  • Staring at a computer screen for a long time.
  • Working in bad lighting.
  • Using a computer screen with glare or flickers.
  • Dirty screen.
          How to prevent eye strain

  • Take regular breaks.
  • Use LCD screens for less flicker. 
  • Use an anti-glare screen.
  • Ensure that room lighting is good.
  • Keep the screen clean of dirt.
  • Have eyes tested regularly.

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